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Cloud Montessori Bios

Cloud Montessori Bios

Chery Chretien brings over fifteen years of classroom experience with three to six-year-olds at an AMI school, where she supports both children and their parents in best practices for independence and child development. She supports families who strive to be better parents and seek to support their children’s learning. She holds a B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara, an M.A. from Loyola College and Association Montessori International Training from the Montessori Institute of San Diego. She lives in Marin County with her husband and two young children.

Aliyya Shelley Mattos brings a diverse experience including project management at a fintech start-up, curriculum development for a national charter school organization, social responsibility and sustainability at a commodity trading company, teaching life skills to adolescents in the Peace Corps and consulting across a variety of fields. She is the Vice Chair of an AMI Montessori School, nonprofit board member and an appointed Commissioner for the Marin Women's Commission. She holds a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.B.A. from Cornell University, Johnson School of Business. She lives in Marin County with her husband and three spirited daughters.

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