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Pot Maker

Make plantable seedling pots from newspaper - Ages 4+

It takes one tree to make approximately 754 newspapers--and just one narrow strip of newspaper to start a tree, flower, or vegetable.

Children can wrap newspaper strips around the wooden form and create biodegradable seedling pots without fuss, muss, or glue! A simple, step-by-step activity — children will making biodegradable starter paper pots for a garden.

Children can put the pot right in the ground when it's time for planting. A fabulous way to demonstrate the regenerative powers of recycling!

Wooden form can also be used with gift wrap or paper to make cups for dry snacks or party favors for a special celebration; a dab of glue or tape strip will be needed to hold it closed. 3¼" base x 5¼" high.

  • Tear or cut newspaper into 3½" x 10" strips.
  • Wrap a strip around the wooden form.
  • Fold the ends under and press the form into the base.
  • Pull paper pot up and off.
  • Fill with soil, plant seeds, and water; the outward pressure of the damp soil will hold the pot together.
Teachers: We suggest using a Sharpie or other permanent marker to write the size of the paper strips you need to make the pots on the wooden form--just in case your box goes missing.
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